Sunday, 6 March 2016

Card trading game

So as part of my crazy life, I run a thing called Keas. To put it simply, this is the youngest level of scouts in NZ, we range from 6- 8 years old, and my group we keep at about 8 of them. They are also called Beavers, Cubs, Joeys, amongst other names which you can find here (thanks wikipedia!)

So as part of this blog, I figured I would share some of the stuff that we do at Keas. We play a range of games, and do a range of crafts. Given that there is normally at least 2 keas to one adult, more like 3 to one, most of the activities are "relatively"easy. We chose activities that we hope they can do with little adult assistance. So they are sometimes shown online as being for pre-school aged, or taking less time than it takes us to do it.

So as a first post, I thought I would talk about a game that we played for the first time last week. Its called the card trading game. All it requires is an outside area to play in, and a pack of cards
The general rules are there are 2 teams, both of which have a home base, where they leave their cards. And each team begin with a different colour of card (one red, one black). The aim of the game is for them to trade their cards with the other team. Its made more complicated as they can only take one card with them at a time. AND there are taggers. The taggers (which for us began with being the leaders), can tag people of either team, but once they get tagged they have to give over the card that is in their hand.

The good thing is this can be played with any number of people (the number in the teams and as taggers can change), and in any size area. With older kids, we play it in a huge area, with lots of places to hide and lots of different routes. It makes it harder to find someone to trade with, but also harder for the taggers to find you.

When we did it with our keas, we did it in a small area (about half the size of a tennis court). Each team had a base, and because we were doing it in such a small area, we also added in a trading area. The taggers couldn't tag you if you were in the tagging area, or if you were at your base.

The game was a massive success! We spent the whole hour playing the game, as they totally fell in love with it! It's definitely a game that I would play again with them.

Till next time,
Dat Girl 

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